120by60by45cm Luxury Coffee Table


  • Beautiful design
  • 120 by 60 by 45cm dimensions
  • Marble Effect
  • Comes in a box not assembled
SKU: 120by60by45cm Luxury Coffee Table Category: Tag:


If you have an empty space in your house then why not add some nice furniture? There is so much choice out there nowadays, whether you want something classic or something more modern then there is definitely something out there that will suit your tastes! Having a sofa becomes much more important when it comes to making your home look appealing and inviting. For instance, if you have one with a wooden frame, then 120by60by45cm Luxury Coffee Table may be considered as one of the most sought-after pieces of furniture because it will give off a warm feeling when used at night time or during cold seasons.

Order 120by60by45cm Luxury Coffee Table  from santaecommerce.com online shop in Kenya at an affordable price and it will be delivered


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