Cards Against Thrones: A Super Creative Card Game


  • A party card game.
  • Cards: 731 (442 White and 289 Black)
  • Players: 4 Players at least, no upper limit, most fun with 6 – 8 players
  • Age Rating: Adults only (17+)
  • Playing Time: 30 – 90 min
SKU: Cards Against Thrones: A Super Creative Card Game Category: Tag:


Don’t miss this Game of Thrones Cards Against Humanity, if you are a funs of TV series, “Game of Thrones”. Your favorite roles Tyrion Lannister, Theon Greyjoy, Arya Stark, Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister, this card game is all about them.

Game Of Thrones, a fictional series that premiered on April 17, 2011, currently including over 8 seasons, has become one of the people’s favorites. The whole story was set on the continents of Westeros and Essos, and one reason why it became this popular is the big cast.

Now, if you’re a big fan, even though you may want to watch it 100 hundred times, we can all agree that it can get a bit boring after a few times. Well, even more boring, get people who do not hesitate to say: you’re watching it AGAIN? I know you don’t care (as you should), but we also found another way of watching GOT without watching GOT!

We know you love the characters, but you’ll be asked to make fun of them sometimes. That doesn’t mean you don’t love Jon Snow, Daenerys, Arya, Jaime, Bronn, Samwell, Theon, Tyrion, and all of them, honestly. I bet they’d love making fun of themselves too, I mean if they had the chance to play this fabulous card game, we don’t doubt that.

What makes Cards Against Thrones amazingly special, is that it creates a stronger bond between all the players, since now, apart from the fact that they all have the same movie preferences, they can finally make fun of something only they understand. So, anyone who hasn’t watched the show will think laughing about that stuff is nonsense, and we know that isn’t true. You adults, big Thronies, gather your friends and go for it!!!

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